Schultz Admin replied

551 weeks ago

Recently (and somewhat out of the blue) I moved from Sargatanas to Tonberry. Mostly because of the lag I was getting on Sargatanas, but mainly because Taxman moved there. In addition, we also disliked the arrogance and racism that came from that server which made for awkward parties and general disgust at the way people acted. Luckily my FC didn't have any of this, and one thing that I didn't want to do was to up and leave Legacy without any notice, so I sent through a formal notice of my departure and thanked them for their patience with my lack of progress.

I think the lack of progress was more due to not "fitting in" on that server. It sounds strange, but being based on a Japanese server I feel more at home ( I miss HolyBrownie Linkshell from FFXI ), being on a primarily English speaking server made the game feel more like WoW than a FF game. Within a few weeks of being here, I've done and achieved more than I had on Sargatanas, so all in all, I think the move was worth it.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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