Schultz Admin replied

648 weeks ago

As most friends on FFXI and to a lesser extent FFXIV would have noticed, I was unable to play for the last few months due to work commitments. These have now finished, and I'm back ready to take on what ever the developers want to throw our way.

The biggest change will be that I'm putting FFXI on the back burner to focus on FFXIV (if I'm needed to help do something, feel free to ask and I will log on), but at the moment I feel that there's nothing worth doing in the game character development wise (until next expansion hits). My favourite aspect of the game was taken away from us with the introduction of Abyssea. The game has never been the same for me.

I've purged some of the wiki articles, and the Stratagems section due to the fact that the information is not only well known and memorised now, but there are better resources that others will keep up to date. I'll be starting a fairly large kill list of things to do before FFXIV 2.0, so I hope to do some updating every few days with that.

It'll be good to get back to the old "blogging" adventures/achievements updates I used to do, like the good old days when players such as Linaaa and Russta used to post up information and event summaries of their attempts at doing storyline missions.

last edited 648 weeks ago by Schultz
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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