Schultz Admin replied

730 weeks ago

Incase anyone has been wondering what has been going down, well it hasn't been the Brisbane river. 75% of Queensland is flood effected, and as of a few days past Brisbane was also hit with flooding. I managed to get Grauberg boss done, with Raja 10 minutes away from being popped when we lost power. I probably would have rage'd out, but since I knew that if power was lost, the situation was actually pretty bad.

Well lucky for us the flood water didn't come close, but can't say the same for a lot of the suburbs around the Brisbane river. Most probably going to be spending the next few weeks volunteering to help clean up after the waters go down.

Back to FFXI, a quick question, what does this mean: (feet): (Red Mage) (White Mage) (Attohwa Chasm)

If you answered "you want RDM and WHM feet from Attohwa Chasm", you'd be wrong. Common perception to this search comment results in "PT (INSERT ZONE OTHER THAN ATTOHWA CHASM) (Do You Need It?)". A week of this and I've almost lost all hope. Need RDM/WHM for Yul and RDM/BLM for Schultz.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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