Schultz Admin replied

725 weeks ago

Oh boy. First attempt ended tragically when RL Yul walked into the room said something to me and I didn't see Capricornus use Mighty Strikes. I went down pretty fast after that. Got back up, rested, rebuffed and accidentally popped Yacumama. Man that thing hits fast. Just lived, and when I say just I mean it.

I didn't want to stay on if things were going to be like this, but I decided to give Capricornus another try if not just to gauge a "run-away" tactic. At night, with AF+1 feet it's actually doable. I got it down to 25%ish before I needed to sacrifice Yul to cure me (which resulted in next 2HR, death to Yul). Going to have to bring Yul WHM for RR3.

Pretty un-eventful apart from the first death. Can easily be managed by running away at night time with boots. If I had some meds/potions it would have been less death on the support since it only ever hit me with TP moves for 2/300 points, but enough to chip me down that I went from 400 to 100 one TP move (the one I was forced to heal with Yul on).

Five more to go. Going to try and finish them tonight.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!

Jinketsu replied

725 weeks ago

Yeah I really didn't like Capricornus myself when getting through the VNMs towards my empyrean weapon (Ukonvasara, 6 more Chesma to go before Abyssea mega boss items). Good luck!

Lathia replied

724 weeks ago

Darn RL Yul!

So, I'm looking into getting a stick for MvC3. Any suggestions? I was looking into the TE sf4 ones, but, I keep reading the stick is a bit too lose. Anyways, I know you more.

Schultz Admin replied

724 weeks ago

As Reyals, or I'll mention it on FB/Twitter he'd be the one to ask since he used to make them.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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