Schultz Admin replied

724 weeks ago

…almost two months. Lack of updates mainly due to SE's quake/tsunami related downtime, and well general boredom in game. One thing to update though is that I've decided to shelve Kannagi and go after Rhongomiant, which I'm in the process of camping NM's while I write this.

The main reason behind the change was originality. Every 2nd Ninja seems to have a Kannagi, and with Samurai being another main, I didn't want to jump onto the Masamune bandwagon either. What is going to suck is the VNM's since I lose a heap of evasion changing from NIN to DRG, so the soloing that stage might run into a few walls.

Some other achievements over the last month or so. Helped Caerda get 32 Fistule drops which was fun. Wish all stage ones were that easy. Yul is somewhat geared ok for Black Mage now, just have to cap out the skills and merits, and I can move on to leveling Schultz' other jobs to 90 (kind of running out of merits to spend limit points on).

Still waiting on the Dynamis update to determine what I'm going to be doing with currency. If it goes the way I'm expecting, I'm thinking of getting a small group of people together for a constant daily raid party style group. Mainly using IngloriousBasterds as the shell.

Final note, love the Moogle Porter system, freed up fifty inventory spaces.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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